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  • Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss Surgery

    Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss Surgery

    The thyroid has a big job: The hormones it secretes help regulate heart rate, maintain healthy skin, and play a crucial part in metabolism. When the gland is sluggish (hypothyroidism), it can rob you of energy, dry out your skin, make your joints ache, cause weight gain, and kick-start depression. When it becomes overworked—hyperthyroidism—and produces

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  • Thyroid Disorders & Obesity

    Thyroid Disorders & Obesity

    Past studies have found that thyroid disorders can lead to obesity, and a recent study published in the December 2013 issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism suggests that obesity itself may cause thyroid dysfunction in some cases. Thyroid disorders involve the over- or under-function of the thyroid gland. Located in the front

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  • Complimentary Therapies for Thyroid Health

    Complimentary Therapies for Thyroid Health

    As we discussed in a previous article we discussed hypothyroidism and its relation to obesity. Dr. Shillingford’s weight loss surgery practice in Boca Raton, FL cares for patients with a number of comorbidities related to obesity who travel from across the state including from Orlando, Naples, Daytona Beach, Miami and Tampa Bay. Over the years,

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