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  • Gastric Sleeve
  • Gastric Bypass
  • Revisional Surgery
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A hernia is a sac

  • Healthy Neighborhoods Could Prevent Obesity

    Healthy Neighborhoods Could Prevent Obesity

    Living in a neighborhood that supports a healthy lifestyle can make a measurable difference in preventing obesity, according to a recent study in the journal Obesity.  We all know our environments have a profound impact on us.  Relatives, friends and neighbors who stay and look fit help encourage us to do so as well, this

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  • Maintaining Healthy Weight: Small Steps

    Maintaining Healthy Weight: Small Steps

    - Cut out one 12-oz can of soda a day and lose up to 15 lb in a year – Don’t drink your calories: avoid empty calories in soda, energy drinks, and juice – Switch from whole milk to 2% milk and lose between 5 and 6 lb in a year – Say “no” to

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  • The Nuts and Bolts of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    The Nuts and Bolts of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    Bariatric surgery describes a series of operations on the gastrointestinal system that helps obese persons lose weight. It works either by restricting the patient’s amount of food intake, by altering the body’s ability to absorb ingested food, or both. The first gastric bypass was performed in 1969. However, this and other bariatric surgeries didn’t gain

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  • Research indicates a genetic connection to excessive levels of a hunger producing hormone

    Research indicates a genetic connection to excessive levels of a hunger producing hormone

    Dr. Kahlil Shillingford has had great success performing obesity surgery on countless patients. Dr Shillingford has noticed that while a less invasive lap band procedure might achieve excellent results with some patients, it is not always the right match for every patient. Gastric Sleeve Surgery removes a region of the stomach called the fundus, the

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  • International Obesity: Perspective in India

    International Obesity: Perspective in India

    Although it is widely discussed obesity is a growing epidemic in western nations, particularly the United States, we are finding developing nations are catching up in this epidemic as well. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in India in the 21st century, with morbid obesity affecting 5% of the country’s population. India is following a trend

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  • Motivation for Weight Loss

    Motivation for Weight Loss

    Motivation for weight loss is a commonly discussed topic. Whether it be at the dinner table, office enviornment or people searching for help online motivation has become a key topic. The motivation not to eat dessert, to put five minutes extra into a workout and to help your family with wellness is something we all

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  • Vegetarian Recipe – Veggie Chili

    Vegetarian Recipe – Veggie Chili

    Today many Americans are using the methods of water sports to an alternative to the gym. Many people suffering from obesity prefer to be in the water as it is less stress on the joints. Water sports include: swimming, synchronized diving, stand up paddleboard, water aerobics, water polo, rowing, kayaking, and canoeing. Water sports can

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  • Sleep Apnea and how it affects You.

    Sleep Apnea and how it affects You.

    Sleep apnea affects the way you breathe when you’re sleeping. In untreated sleep apnea, breathing is briefly interrupted or becomes very shallow during sleep. These breathing pauses typically last between 10 to 20 seconds and can occur up to hundreds of times a night, jolting you out of your natural sleep rhythm. As a consequence,

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  • Weight Loss Apps

    Weight Loss Apps

    Overweight people rack up hundreds of dollars more a year in health care expenses than those of normal weight. More than ever, it is has become important for those who struggle with obesity to finally get the help they need. Fortunately advances in medicine make it possible for surgical treatment of obesity such as the

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  • Weight or Waist ?

    Weight or Waist ?

    Dr. Shillingford’s weight loss surgery practice in South Florida oversees the care of clinically obese patients for surgical treatment of their conditions. Much in the same way that the place in Florida they call home varies between Miami, Daytona Beach, Naples, and Jacksonville so does their level of obesity. Patients range from obese to morbidly

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