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  • Weight Loss Surgery Effectiveness Possibly Tied to Taste Changes

    Weight Loss Surgery Effectiveness Possibly Tied to Taste Changes

    Most patients who have gastric bypass (also known as Roux-en-Y) surgery are able to maintain successful weight loss, according to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Gastric bypass surgery is credited for being the most effective treatment for obesity in Western Medicine, with with gastric sleeve surgery close behind. But not all gastric bypass patients lose weight equally or maintain their weight loss long term. Researchers at Binghampton University in New York set out to find out what factors might influence these discrepancies.

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  • Can Bariatric Patients Do This For One Minute?

    Can Bariatric Patients Do This For One Minute?

    One minute can be a good goal for a non-runner to achieve. When on a walk, set a timer on your phone and begin running when you hit the ‘start’ button. Run like you’re trying to catch something or someone. It’s OK if have a hard time making it the full minute. Just keep trying every day for one minute, and you will be able to do it. Then, you could try adding a second minute later in your walk or doubling your running time for a two-minute interval. A second minute, or even third, does seem to increase the benefit to your bone health. Plus, it burns a few more calories that can contribute to weight loss.

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